Howest University College West Flanders

University College




In 1995 Howest,University College West Flanders became a single autonomous Higher Education Institution upon the merger of six institutions of higher education in Flanders. It is one of the leading providers of higher education in the province.Today about 5600 full-time students are enrolled at Howest pursuing 27 Bachelors and 7 Masters programmes covering a wide range of disciplines. Howest consists of four campuses situated in Bruges and Kortrijk.

The Digital Arts programme is offered by DAE, on a green campus in the student town of Kortrijk. Founded in 2006, DAE has spent the last five years developing its interactive 3D curricula and technologies.

Courses offered through English


Howest Student Services will gladly assist you in your search for a room. Budget for €250 - €350 per month