Fees for degree programmes abroad vary significantly, depending on the country in which the university is located and the subject matter of the degree programme. For example, there are no fees for EU students joining undergraduate or postgraduate programmes in state-sector universities in Denmark, Sweden or Finland. In Germany & Austria, there are no Tuition fees but there are ‘semester fees’, totalLing some Eur 500-600 per year. Annual tuition fees are low in public universities in the Netherlands (Eur 2601) where a low-interest or interest-free tuition fee loans are available to all EU students, from the Dutch government.
Though fees for Medical Schools in Italy are very low (256– 4000 pa,- linked to family income), fees for Health Sciences in most other countries are high, rising to some €18,000 – €20,000 in some private universities, though usually between €9000 and €12,000 in the better Central European faculties.
Note: fees quoted on this site are for EU citizens. Fees for non-EU citizens are higher, in some countries (e.g. in Netherlands, Denmark & Sweden).
Cost of Living
Cost of living estimates are fraught with inconsistencies and subjective decisions on what are basic requirements, to such an extent that EUNICASis of the opinion that monthly or yearly estimates of living expenses are almost worthless. However, comparative Consumer Price Indices are readily available on-line and suggest that the cost of living in most European cities compares very favourably with cities in Ireland
Local accommodation costs are, in many cases, included in the university profiles in our database. They are usually significantly lower than in Ireland.
Most universities require you to have medical insurance when you register. Whereas your EU Medical Card (EHIC) will provide good basic cover, you might decide you want a more comprehensive package (including travel and theft insurance). Companies like AON provide good student study abroad packages, including medical cover plus public liability, theft, loss and travel.