BSc International Public Policy & LeadershipAdd to shortlist
Social Sciences
Politics & International Relations
BSc International Public Policy & Leadership
4 years
€2601 pa
Programme profile
Help solve the European immigrant crisis, or devise an evacuation plan after flash flooding in Greece. International governmental issues are at the very core of International Public Management. Experience how there’s more to public management than bureaucracy.
This programme prepares you for a career as either a policy maker or manager in an organisation that deals with complex, international public issues, such as global warming, trade, peace and security, or human rights. The programme is a very practical, hands-on programme, where you'll learn by doing. In the first two years, you"ll learn the fundamentals, developing the skills and knowledge you"ll actually need in your career. But you"ll spend quite a lot of your time actually working on team projects, solving problems drawn from real life scenarios.
In the final two years of your programme, you'll have to apply everything you've learned and practiced on a work placement, or job, for a real organisation. So you"ll graduate with two years of experience already behind you. You choose your minors, your work placement and your thesis subject, so you can customize your final two years to your own ambitions and career goals.
In the last two years, specialisations include areas such as [but not limited to]:
- European Public Management
- Globalisation, with sub-specialisations in:
- Globalisation, Governance and Governments
- International Law
Programme content
Year 1: Comparative Politics; Stakeholders in International Organisations; International Law; Human Rights Law; Policy Making Processes; Migration; Project: Migration; Project: HIV-AIDS in Africa; Research Skills
Year 2: Governmental Accounting; Global Sociology; Organisational Management; Human Resources Management; Economics; International Trade; Global Economics & the Environment Project; Human Rights in the Workplace Project; European Institutions; Intercultural Communication
Year 3: Specialisations [see above] ; Financial Management; E-Governance; Project; negotiation Skills; Conflict Resolution Skills
Year 4: Internship; Thesis
The university offers a related Masters programme, taught through English, in the following area:
- European Policy & Law
Entry Requirements
Two A-Levels and four GCSEs OR relevant BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma
Five subjects at Leaving Certificate. Minimum 200 points OR QQI Level 5
01 October
01 August